What a non-sense! Here you can get back into your senses.

"And how did that make you feel?" It's not only in a psychotherapeutic context that you want to run away screaming or alternatively throw the remote control out of the window when a sports reporter throws this question at his tormented interviewee. It's a pity that enquiring about the state of health in general and in the specific cases mentioned above is so inflationary. Only one thing is worse: the completely empty and meaningless "How are you?". Now we've got our act together and moved just a little bit beyond the topic that burns under our fingernails and keeps us awake at night: the human senses. Fasten your seatbelt, let's go!

How many senses do humans have? 

Depends on who you ask! But since it's just you and us here, let's say: 10! Firstly, there are the classics that every child knows: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Then there is the good sense of balance and the kinaesthetic sense. The latter is also known as the sense of movement or proprioceptive sense and helps you to find your way around a room. Even if you cover your eyes and cross your hands behind your back. 

Can senses atrophy? 

Of course they can! Think about it: do you remember what spring grass feels like under your feet? Or what a snowflake tastes like? What do wet leaves smell like? And like your wet dog? It may well be that, like many members of the "homo digitalis", you are tuned into audiovisual stimuli. In other words, we see and hear a lot in everyday life. But we touch, taste, feel and sense less and less. As in every good blog article, here is the solution to your dilemma. In the next point, you will read how a holiday (or a workation) at Pachers near Brixen (IT) can help you become "sensual" again in a very species-appropriate way. 

Train your senses at the Inspiration Hotel

They are hidden in every nook and cranny: little invitations to your senses. Textures, fragrances, gadgets, impulses, flavours and countless more whisper to you: come back. To yourself and your centre. To your senses. Allocate time and space as it suits you. Indoors and outdoors. Sounds strange. Then come! See and hear the Pachers for yourself. You rarely get your hands on flavours like this and you'll hardly hear this kind of flair anywhere else.

So you really want to know? Before everyone else?